Erasmus + Narrative Meeting

This week, the Academic Team advising the partners of the international project of Good Practices, co-financed by Erasmus+, “Methodology and Tools for the narrative construction of identity in European adolescents at risk of social exclusion,” held a virtual meeting. Educational practitioners and youth workers from Germany, Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain participate in this project.

José L. Linaza (Autonomous University of Madrid), Fernando Broncano (Carlos III University of Madrid), Damian Spiteri (MCAST of Malta), Luca Tateo (University of Oslo), Pina Marsico (University of Salerno) Celia Béjar (Education and Development Foundation) and Jaime Gómez, Head of Training and Innovation at CEMU, are the members of this team.

This group of advisors supports the partner organizations in the definition and design of a non-formal education program aiming to nurture the development of narrative identity in adolescents at risk of social exclusion; thanks to their knowledge and wide academic experience, they will also be consulting with them in the evaluating process of the activities in which young participants will participate in the cities of Amsterdam, Athens, Bologna and Madrid this year.

The next online meeting will be held in August, and work is underway to organize a transnational meeting this year, if health conditions allow it.

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