Online meetings of the Erasmus+ Project team of expertos Narrative

During the summer and despite the difficulties generated by the pandemic, the teams of partner-organizations in the Erasmus+ project «Methodology and educational tools for the narrative construction of the identity in European adolescents at risk of social exclusion» have continued with their work by holding several online meetings.

The virtual contacts have focused on defining and designing the implementation process for this project. At the moment, the organizations are working on developing a workshop for adolescents using non-formal education activities that is scheduled to start in October. The group of academic experts and educational practitioners specialize in digital communication, development of adolescent´ identity and narrative theory are writing a manual for the workshop. More than 40 young people living in Amsterdam, Athens, Bologna and Madrid will participate in this multicultural experience and share their digital creations, personal interests and opinions about the health crisis that is hitting the world through an online platform and during a virtual exchange next year.

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